Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

Silas (Acts 15,16,18)

Silas was happy to be twenty feet from stardom, out of the limelight for the sake of the spread and preservation of the gospel. Willing Workers are willing to Be Sent Suffer Serve But it’s only as we see Jesus’ service of US that we can ever truly serve Him…


If you could choose a nickname, what would it be? Joseph had a nickname – Barnabas – “Son of Encouragement” He encouraged God’s people as he Gave generously to God’s people Affirmed God’s people Spiritually fed God’s people But he wasn’t just a superhero – he was a man just like us – a man of the Holy…

Aquila & Priscilla (Acts 18)

Do you have a home for the Lord? Priscilla and Aquila are an example of believers who opened their home in order to give Companionship Mentorship to those who they served alongside. Are we those who use all that we have to serve and encourage one another as we serve the Lord Jesus together?

Something worth everything (Acts 20v24)

As we commission Alex & Susannah Maclean to their work in East Africa, Acts 20v24 reminds us of the value and worth of the good news of God’s grace. It’s a gospel (worth everything you have) to keep believing to keep speaking Are we willing, with Paul, to consider our lives worth nothing in order to finish the race and complete the task?
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