Trouble comes before deliverance
The story of Jehoshaphat demonstrates a bible pattern that Trouble comes before Deliverance. Every experience of trouble is fresh opportunity for the people of God to pray, listen, worship, obey, see and praise our great LORD.
A story to tell
Luke 8v26-39. A little help on how to tell others how much Jesus has done for us.
Trust Me
Luke 8:22-25. Jesus calls disciples to trust him.
We are family…
Jesus speaks of His families likeness. They hear and do God’s word. Luke 8:19-21.
This little light of mine…
Jesus shows the importance of how we listen, not just for ourselves but for others around us as well. Luke 8v1-18 – esp verse 16-17.
Careful how you listen!
Luke 8:1-18. Using a story about seed and soil Jesus urges people to consider carefully how they listen to his good news message about the kingdom of God.
Certainties for 2016
Exodus 15:13. Two things that a follower of Jesus can say with certainty about 2016.